4 mins
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August 16, 2023

The Most Important Part of a Meeting?

Meetings are ubiquitous in the modern professional landscape. They serve as the nexus for idea exchange, decision-making, and coordination among teams. Yet, anyone who has sat through an ineffective meeting can attest to the frustration it brings. This raises the question: What truly is the most crucial component of a meeting?

Extensive research into organizational behavior, combined with observations from various industries, suggests that while many factors are essential for a productive meeting, the clear definition and communication of objectives stands out as the paramount component.

The Significance of Clear Objectives

Defining the objective of a meeting serves several purposes:

1. Focus: A clear objective acts as a compass, directing discussions and ensuring that attendees do not stray into tangential or unrelated subjects. With countless possible topics to discuss, an objective keeps everyone aligned on the primary purpose.

2. Efficiency: Clearly defined objectives help in planning the meeting's duration and content. Participants come prepared, discussions are streamlined, and decisions are reached faster. The result? Less time spent in meetings and more time implementing decisions.

3. Measurement: With a clear goal, teams can evaluate the success of a meeting. Was the objective achieved? If not, why? This evaluation process fosters continuous improvement in meeting efficiency and effectiveness.

The Science Behind Effective Objectives

Scientific studies in cognitive psychology and organizational behavior reveal that humans are goal-driven creatures. Goals provide motivation, focus, and a sense of purpose. For instance, Locke and Latham's seminal work on Goal Setting Theory elucidates how clear and challenging goals can significantly enhance performance. By extension, a well-defined meeting objective provides a goal for attendees to work towards, harnessing our innate drive to achieve.

Moreover, a study published in the "Journal of Applied Psychology" found that individuals who set specific, challenging goals outperformed those with vague or no goals. Applied to the context of meetings, this underscores the importance of not just having an objective, but ensuring it is explicit and meaningful.

Effective Objectives: What Do They Look Like?

Setting an objective is not merely about stating a topic. Effective objectives should be:

- Specific: Instead of "Discuss project updates", consider "Evaluate the progress of Project X against milestones and identify any roadblocks."

- Measurable: Can you determine if the objective was achieved by the end of the meeting?

- Relevant: Ensure the objective aligns with broader team or organizational goals.

Implementing Clear Objectives in Meetings

Establishing objectives should be a standard part of meeting preparations. The person organizing the meeting must:

1. Determine the objective well in advance.

2. Communicate the objective to all attendees prior to the meeting.

3. Begin the meeting by reiterating the objective.

4. Throughout the meeting, refer back to the objective to keep discussions on track.

5. Conclude by assessing whether the objective was achieved.


While many elements contribute to the effectiveness of a meeting – from participant engagement to facilitation techniques – the clear definition and communication of objectives is foundational. By treating objectives as the cornerstone of meeting preparation and execution, organizations can drive focus, efficiency, and measurable results, ensuring that every meeting is both purposeful and productive.

So, next time you send out those calendar invites, make sure to pack a punch with those objectives and watch your meeting transform. That’s the power of purpose. Every. Single. Time.

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